Our Love Local Auction is a way to promote your business while also supporting the Peterborough + Kawarthas business community by creating a heavily promoted platform that will showcase products and services provided by Chamber members.
Utilizing the ShopCloseBuy platform, we are building an online auction full of local products and services up for the bidding. Member businesses are welcome to donate to the Love Local Auction in exchange for business promotion. Timeline: The auction will run for 12 days (12 days of Holidays) beginning November 17th and ending November 30th. Member businesses are invited to promote their business by donating an item to our auction. This will give you an item listed on our auction site which will be heavily promoted utilizing social media channels (25,000+ social media followers), and the Chamber bi-weekly newsletter. You’ll also receive recognition of your donation on the Love Local Holidays page. BONUS → If the item donated exceeds $300 in value, you will also receive a listing in the Love Local Wishlist at no extra cost, plus a dedicated ChamberLIVE video to provide extra promotion for your business. |
The Love Local Wishlist is our new online platform designed for shoppers to shop and gift-give locally with a catalogue of Chamber Member products and services. The Wishlist will showcase and promote local products/services over the holidays.
There are several different categories, like Sporty and Outdoorsy, Creative and Crafty, and Experiences, each of which contains relevant listings. The listings will include a photo of the item and a brief item description. They will also include your business logo with a link to your online store or other purchasing/contact information on your website.”). Timeline: Wishlist will be promoted beginning November 17th and ending January 7th. Become a Wishlist supporter. Receive a product/service listing on our Wishlist site within a specific category. Each listing includes:
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