If you are a regular reader of this page, you’ll have a sense of the type of work we are involved in at the Chamber of Commerce. As much as the word has taken on some darker undertones in the last few years, we are lobbyists for the business community. We belong to both the Ontario Chamber and the Canadian Chamber networks and as such are able to voice your concerns at all three levels of Government: Municipal, Provincial and Federal. We employ a full-time Policy Analyst, Sandra Dueck, whose byline you normally see in this space, and who does an amazing job of studying the issues, lobbying the appropriate halls of power, and communicating it all to you here on this page, in her weekly television feature, on our website and on social media. Sandra’s policy work was recognized this year when she was awarded the Staff Person of the Year from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. She is indeed the best in the country… Here is a sampling of the policy work completed on your behalf this year: Four policy resolutions were advanced by the Peterborough Chamber (Policy Resolutions are approved at the Municipal level by our Policy Committee and Board of Directors, at the Provincial level by the delegates to the Ontario Chamber AGM and the Federal level, by the delegates to the Canadian Chamber AGM). They are: o Federal level
2. Restoring Canada’s Innovation Competitiveness
processing, and automotive parts manufacturing and will also be adding the tourism sector into the mix. o Locally
offering specific programming for the local business community such as our Power Hour, PBX, Trade Shows, Next Level and Leaders Lunches, all designed to Strengthen Business. Comments are closed.
AuthorThe Peterborough and the Kawarthas Chamber of Commerce acts as a catalyst to enhance business growth, opportunity, innovation, partnerships and a diverse business community. Archives
September 2024
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